What’s The Best Gaming PC for VALORANT? | Budget Friendly & High-Performance Options

Looking to get into VALORANT but don’t know what gaming PC is best to start with? We can help you find the answer!

VALORANT is one of the most popular PC games and has been massively popular since its release back in June 2020. The game has been retaining between 1,700,000 – 2,300,000 players DAILY for over a year and a half! This huge amount of interest that the game generates allows for a lot of content creators to have success in the community due to the sheer number of people who are trying to learn more about the game and find it entertaining to watch, which overall improves VALORANT’s popularity across the internet.

VALORANT, first known as Project A, was designed and created by Riot Games, a successful video game development company with an estimated net worth of a huge $26 billion! The company was already a well-known name within the gaming community due to the success of their MOBA game, League of Legends, which has remained as a top-level game in regard to popularity for over 10 years!

But what is the best PC to play VALORANT on?

Well, that question has a few different answers. The thing about Gaming PCs is, everyone has their own wishes and expectations about the performance of their computer. Some people might want to get a PC to play VALORANT on the lowest settings and enjoy the smoothest experience possible while competing against other players without any disadvantages, whilst also keeping within a smaller budget. This is very possible on a game like VALORANT due to the fact Riot Games have done a great job with their optimisation of the game, AKA they have made sure that the game is able to run fluidly on devices with less power, especially in comparison to most other games of its quality and popularity.

Below I will list a few personal preferences of what you might want to achieve with your new gaming PC when it comes to VALORANT!

I want to play competitively and practice to become skilled at the game, without focusing hugely on graphics.

This is a very common stance within the VALORANT community, because it can be such a competitively focused game if that is the way you choose to play it. For someone who wishes to play the game in this fashion, we would recommend the Beginner Gaming PC. The Beginner Gaming PC will run VALORANT on the lowest settings at an approximate average of 199FPS (frames per second), meaning it should be an entirely smooth gameplay experience even if you’re playing with a 144hz monitor! Not bad for the cheapest PC that we offer…

I want to play casually with my friends and enjoy the aesthetics of the game, with high framerate and maximum graphical detail.

VALORANT has a lot of casual players who stick to the less intense game modes such as Spike Rush and Unrated, which are super fun to play and don’t have such an underlying pressure to perform well. These game modes are perfect for the casual gamer who wants to have a laugh with their friends and relax while they’re playing. Of course, you can play these game modes on low settings and have just as much fun, but it won’t look as pretty so what’s the point?!

We recommend the Intermediate Gaming PC for a graphically dedicated gamer who wants to appreciate the beauty of the animations in VALORANT and the cool looking artistic designs that you might miss if you’re playing on lower settings.

I plan on playing competitive, but I don’t want to compromise on my graphics at all.

We get it, you want the real deal. If you’re looking to maximise gameplay experience but don’t want to lower your settings, VALORANT is probably one of the best games to do that due to the great optimisation efforts of Riot Games. Because you don’t need an insane gaming computer to run VALORANT, you don’t need to go for a top of the range rig, but it certainly would make the game run with ease on any settings.

The Intermediate Gaming PC, for £899.68, runs VALORANT at approximately 223FPS on high settings. This means you’ll have a completely smooth gameplay experience even if you’re using a 144hz monitor, which we recommend if you’re planning on playing VALORANT competitively as a higher refresh rate allows you to see more of what’s happening and allows you to have ever so slightly faster reaction speeds.

If you want to go for ultra-high settings and have a bigger budget, you could also consider the Expert Gaming PC, perfect for live-streaming and recording your gameplay to upload to YouTube or Twitch!

I don’t know anything about the game, but I’m interested.

Don’t worry, all VALORANT players were in this boat at some point, it’s great that you’re interested! Our advice is: Do your research and keep learning about the game and learning about PCs in general. Once you have done that, come back to us and have a look at our Gaming PC Options and feel free to scout elsewhere if you think you’ll find something more perfect for you, but we doubt it!

Thank you and good luck gaming!

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