The Positive Side of Gaming

Gaming gets a bad reputation in the media; with many sources claiming it is nothing but a futile waste of time & that video games encourage violence within children.
But not all media represents gaming as a waste of time and energy, in recent times we’ve seen quite a lot of different articles which highlight some of the greater impacts of gaming and the communities it can create.
One of the more positive articles that I’ve recently read this BBC Sport post about a young girl, Izzy, who claims that gaming has helped with her cystic fibrosis and helped her maintain a healthy social life in difficult periods of time where she wasn’t able to leave the house. The video shows Izzy being interviewed by BBC Sport’s Miriam Walker-Khan about what gaming has done for her & her family.
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited condition that causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system, causing lung infections and problems with digesting foods.
People with cystic fibrosis can’t come into contact with each other because they’re at high risk of cross-infection, meaning typically people with the condition don’t spend much time with anyone else who has the condition, but with these gaming sessions that are set up they can chat to other children who are also suffering with CF.
At Digital Doctors we love these kinds of posts, they show that gaming isn’t just problematic but instead can have some real benefits and make people’s lives a whole lot more enjoyable!
Another article we have stumbled across recently is this BBC post about how some young disabled people in the UK feel like gaming allows them to ‘join in’ to activities more comfortably and makes them feel more at home, watch below!
Seth is 13 and uses a wheelchair so sometimes he can’t experience things like other people can. He feels like video games help to break this barrier for him and allow him to have fun with others and join in on all the activities taking place! “If you’re in a wheelchair, you can’t always run around with everyone so when I play Minecraft, I can run around and it’s really fun,” said Seth.
Some studies have found a convincing link between playing computer games and mental wellbeing, now a lot of organisations who work with young people are claiming that playing computer games can actually be quite beneficial when played in moderation.
If your kids love gaming and want to get their foot in the door in the PC gaming world, be sure to check out our Gaming PCs page and browse the options!